Reverse Christmas (& why we love it).

Published on 10 October 2024

Photo of Christmas presents.

Let me guess, you have no idea what I mean by reverse Christmas.

What is it?

It is a simple change in direction and perception for your gift giving this Christmas. Instead of planning to purchase a gift from a store for every one of your loved ones and friends, get them something that gives back to their future, their kids future and our future.

Give them something handmade, or something musical created just by you, or something donated to an important charity, really whatever you can create and contribute. In return you will help reduce the amount of waste we can put on our loving planet every Christmas season.

Here’s five reasons why you should try reverse Christmas this year!

1. They are always one of a kind. 

Any gift you create is one of a kind. Giving a gift you have created yourself is the best kind of gift of all as it comes with personal meaning and love. You will never be able to recreate the painting you made for your sister or the scented candles you crafted for your mother and they will never be able to purchase anything quite like them. You have given them the gift of creativity, love and uniqueness all in one, plus you had loads of fun making them!

2. They are always made with love and personalised.

If you have ever had to trawl shop after shop looking for the perfect gift for your loved ones or friends and never quite felt satisfied with what you decided to purchase, then reverse Christmas is worth a try. Reverse Christmas changes your thinking about gift giving and aligns you with your creativity and resourcefulness to create the perfect gift with the perfect colours, or smells or tastes or meaning that match the receiver amazingly. So say good bye to stressful Christmas gift shopping and hello to creativity, gift making and play.

3. They are fun to make, think about and plan.

Nothing gets the creative juices or passion flowing like a well crafted or planned out reverse Christmas gift. Whether you are creating something from hand, giving the gift of water for a needy family or simply making stunning cards. Rest assured your journey will ignite your passions, zest for creativity and love and this will come through to the person receiving it, what a perfect gift to give.

4. They will likely save you money.

Good news, not only is reverse Christmas amazing for everyone’s soul, its also amazing for your pocket. Gone are the Novembers of maxed out credit cards and empty wallets. Your now giving something even better than anything you could buy in a store.

5. They will help the planet.

Who doesn’t want to save the planet. Have you ever pretended you were a superhero, eliminating the environmental problems of the world? Well, strap on your cape this Christmas and get creating, reverse it up, change the direction, change your perception of what Christmas should be and give the gifts worth giving.

And most of all, have fun doing it!

Words by Holly Heather.

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